
Buy Class Sets of Books at Wholesale Prices

Looking for 25 or more copies of a particular book? Welcome, you're in the right place

Bulk Books Simplified

As educators, you share our passion for inspiration. That's why we are dedicated to simplifying the process of buying books for classrooms all across the country. Low stock, high pricing, and limited delivery options shouldn't get in your way. At BookPal, you'll get the titles you need at a discounted wholesale price, shipped wherever and however you need. After all, we're the book experts. Let us do all the work!

Partner With Book Experts

Connect with a dedicated account manager who is there every step of the way. From title recommendations to shipping logistics, our knowledgeable book experts simplify the process of ordering class sets of books.




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We Can Help You Leverage The Power Of Books

BookPal is more than just another online bookseller. We'll work with you beyond the transaction to ensure your school year or event is a success.

Price Match Guarantee

Order with BookPal for up to 55% savings on your favorite titles. If you see better pricing elsewhere on your desired quantity, we will price match so you can be sure to get the best pricing AND experience all that BookPal has to offer.

Better Fulfillment Options

Unlike other booksellers who limit you to only one bulk shipping option, BookPal can split and ship your order to multiple addresses. Have your books bundled into kits by classroom or work with us to make it easy for parents to purchase books directly.

Project Customization

Receiving a new book is always exciting, but personalizing it makes it that much more meaningful. From author signatures to marketing inserts, custom packaging to brand stickers, we can help take your book marketing to the next level.

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