Matt HoltFormer NFL Linebacker Matt Mayberry knows a thing or two about failure. Whether we like it or not, we all fail at some point in our lives. Elon Musk was famously quoted saying he started Tesla expec ...
How to Take Notes That Matter (Post)Learn how to take notes like a real pro! Taking detailed notes is not just for the classroom. Proper note taking is an essential skill for the workplace as well. If you’re worried about how to take ...
BookPal's Staff Picks: Our Favorite Books of July 2021 (Post)Introducing our top picks for the month of July. Looking for book recommendations for your next company book club, corporate training, or summer reading program? Look no further! Each month, w ...
BABC Invites BookPal President to Breakfast Panel for Select Top 40 Under 40 Honorees (Post)A select handful of the OC Metro’s Top 40 Under 40 Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals were invited by the British American Business Council (BABC) to participate in a special breakfast event to ...
7 Business Books to Put on Your Radar (Post)Books are one of the best and most cost-effective tools business leaders can use to encourage and empower their employees. Business books provide employees with the necessary knowledge to improve lea ...
10 Best-Selling Business Books You Need to Read (Post)Have you read any of these business best sellers? Now that summer's wrapping up, it's time to get back into the groove of things at work. Reading a good business book can help you and your coworkers ...
10 Virtual Field Trips for the Classroom (Post)Have you ever wanted to take your students on a field trip to somewhere inaccessible? Now you can show your class the world by taking them on a "virtual field trip". Programs like Google Earth and Go ...
15 Books To Show Your Employees You Appreciate Them (Post)It is your time to show the backbone of your company that you appreciate them… your employees! This year’s employee appreciation day is coming up on March 3, 2023 so it’s time to start preparing. And ...
Stock Up Your Classroom With These New Education Books (Post)With so many great books coming out this year, we've collected seven of the best new education books for students. Whether they be new releases or special editions of beloved tales, these books are ...
Stock Up Your Classroom With These New Education Books (Post)With so many great books coming out this year, we've collected seven of the best new education books for students. Whether they be new releases or special editions of beloved tales, these books are ...
How One Book Is Helping to End World Hunger (Post)Bread for the World is changing how we treat hunger, poverty, and nutrition. We often hear about starvation in struggling nations, but did you know that people suffer from hunger here in the United ...
12 New Business Books by Hogwarts House (Post)Business books fit for any Harry Potter fan. September 1st means back-to-school for Hogwarts students and this year marks 22 years since the world was introduced to The Boy Who Lived. Since most of ...
The Easiest Way to Teach Mindfulness At Work (Post)What does mindfulness mean? Mindfulness is a mental state of awareness achieved by focusing on the present. Sounds simple enough, right? The problem is that we live in a world full of technological ...
AARP Gives Volunteers The Perfect Gift (Post)AARP Foundation Experience Corps takes volunteer appreciation seriously. AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) Foundation Experience Corps, DC Metro gives a gift to their volunteers every y ...
10 Customer Service Books You Must Read (Post)Introducing ten books that will enhance your brand How can your company exceed customer expectations and have superior customer service? What can you do to ensure that your customers ...
30+ Must-Reads for Mental Health Awareness Month (Post)30+ handpicked titles to keep you motivated and mindful In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, the BookPal team handpicked more than 30 books to help you stay motivated and mindful. Whether you ...
The Ultimate 2020 Summer Reading Guide (Post)More than 65 summer reading rec's for students of all ages Keep your kids reading all summer long with our 2020 Summer Reading Guide. We're featuring the most popular and trending titles for childre ...
2022 OWL Award Longlist (Post)At BookPal we believe in the power of books to ignite continuous learning and growth. That's why five years ago, we created the Outstanding Works of Literature (OWL) Award to recognize books doing ju ...