Two Washington D.C. institutions team up to help families engage preschoolers with fun vocabulary workshops! Thanks to a $1 million grant through Grow Up Great, PNC's initiative focused on early chi ...
Jack E. Levin Tells A Crucial Story of American Independence (Post)The scent of barbecue wafts through the air, fireworks boom in the skies, and the colors red, white, and blue decorate ours streets. The 4th of July is upon us. As we gather with friends and family ...
12 Ways to Keep Learning in the Academic Off-Season (Post)Learn new skills from trusted professionals with these platforms and courses. Have you finished everything in your Netflix queue? Are your loved ones sick of testing your new baking creations? Are y ...
It's Election Season - Time to Read Up on the Candidates (Post)Stay informed with this roundup of books from the 2020 Presidential Election candidates. With the 2020 Presidential Election primaries right around the corner and so many candidates in the running, ...
Books on Diversity in the Workplace (Post)Books on Diversity in the Workplace Diverse teams are 70% more likely to capture new markets and 87% better at making decisions. By inviting diverse perspectives, organizations become more ...
A Quote For the Ages (Post)Did you know September is National Literacy Month? The importance of literacy is invaluable in a person's life. Books inspire, challenge and teach. In honor of National Literacy Month, here is a sele ...
BookPal's Bestseller List: The Best Books of August 2019 (Post)We're rounding up the top books of the month with our August bestseller list. The fifteen books featured in this month's bestseller list are proven to inspire, connect, and empower those who read th ...
Sequel to The Great Gatsby Discovered (Post)A recently discovered, untitled manuscript has been revealed as the sequel to The Great Gatsby. Earlier today, HarperCollins announced the discovery of an untitled manuscript written by F. Sc ...
6 Must-Try Presidents' Day Activities & Crafts (Post)Presidents' Day is one of the most patriotic celebrations of the year! Use this week to do a few unique activities with your class that honor the life of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln an ...
5 Most Common Reasons for Banning Books (Post)Schools and communities have challenged and banned books for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons might surprise you! Let's take a look at the most commonly cited cases for challenging books a ...
15 Best Health Books of 2015 (Post)Become a healthier, happier you with these best sellers. With 2015 ending in just a couple of weeks, we’re taking a step back to highlight some of our most popular and best-selling titles in busines ...
BookPal's Bestseller List: The Best Books of June 2019 (Post)Introducing the best selling books for the month of June. Time to sit back, relax, and enjoy a good book. Need inspiration? Check out the fantastic books featured in this month's bestseller list. Be ...
The Big Read: The Official 2016–2017 Selection (Post)These are the books being read this year for Big Read programs across the country! The National Endowment for the Arts Big Read program offers grants to support innovative community reading programs ...
Get Ready For Halloween With These Bulk Halloween Books (Post)As All Hallows' Eve slowly approaches, BookPal is looking forward to a night of tricks, treats, and scares! Nothing gives us the chills quite like a scary story. We've compiled a list of the most po ...
BookPal's Bestseller List: The Best Books of June 2020 (Post)Kicking off summer with the best selling books of June June not only marks the halfway point of the year, but it also signifies the beginning of summer. Below are the top fifteen books BookPal custo ...
BookPal's Bestseller List: The Best Books of August 2020 (Post)Fifteen books make it to to the top of August's bestseller list Schools are starting up again and fall is looming around the corner, bringing new and exciting books to the market. Whether you're loo ...
Sales Tax Exemption (Page)A valid state sales tax exemption form is required for your order's ship-to state. Federal W-9 Forms and IRS Declaration Letters are not acceptable for exemption from state sales tax. We are requir ...
Our Team (Page)Meet our team of book experts—people who are as passionate about the power of books as you are. As avid readers ourselves, we can personally guide your organization on choosing the best boo ...