Posted by Michelle Drucker on Nov 09, 2016
7 Ways to Show Employee Appreciation
A little employee appreciation can go a long way...
There is no better time than the present to take a moment to say thanks to your staff for all the hard work that they do. Take the time to show employee appreciation by doing a little something special. After all, showing appreciation leads to increased employee engagement, which leads to an increase in creativity, productivity, collegiality, and commitment!
Learn more about the importance of creating a workplace that breeds brilliance by checking out our Happy Employees infographic.
Here are seven ways to show your employees how much you appreciate them:
1. Treat them to lunch.
Who doesn't love a free meal? Going out to lunch is a great opportunity to get away from the office, engage in conversation, and — most importantly — say thank you.
2. Write them a note.
Don't underestimate the power of the written word. Writing a heartfelt thank you note is one of the most powerful and lasting ways to show employee appreciation.
3. Bring in donuts.
Nothing says thank you like a bite of delicious fried, sugary goodness! If your organization is the type that regularly has donuts in the office, we recommend mixing it up with a cake or cupcakes instead.
4. Throw a party.
Not only is an office party a nice chance for leaders to reward their team members for their hard work, it's also a good team-building activity as well as a chance for different departments to socialize with one another.
5. Give them a book.
A book is a valuable gift that instantly shows employee appreciation. Write a thank you note inside the front cover to make it extra special! Need book ideas? Check out our corporate gift book recommendations.
6. Host an awards ceremony.
Public recognition is a great way to show employees that you are aware of their work and you appreciate it. You can be as creative as you'd like with these awards ("Best Smile," "Most Likely to Spill Her Coffee," etc,) and best of all, everyone walks away a winner!
7. Give them a personalized journal.
Get your employee's name debossed into the cover of a journal to show that you put a lot of preparation and thought into the gift. We have a great variety of personalized journals for you to choose from!
How do you show employees your appreciation at the office? Share your stories with us by leaving a comment below!
Looking for corporate gift ideas? Get the official gift guide!
Our 2016 gift guide features our top book recommendations for corporate gifting this holiday season! All you have to do is enter your email below to download the guide:
This post was written by Michelle Drucker, the chief of staff at BookPal. She is currently reading The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen.