Posted by Myrna Alcantar on Apr 23, 2020
Author ConnectChat: Michelle Tillis Lederman Teaches Building Your Relationships and Becoming a Connector
"At the end of the day, no matter what you are trying to accomplish, you are going to get it faster, easier, and better with help." —Michelle Tillis Lederman
The Connector's Advantage: 7 Mindsets to Grow Your Influence and Impact by Michelle Tillis Lederman is a must-read for any business leader, aspiring influencer, or general achiever. We had the privilege of sitting down with Michelle for this AuthorConnect Chat, where she kicks things off with a million-dollar question: What do you want? Over the course of her presentation, she dissects the three main reasons people do anything so you can leverage The Connector's Advantage to get what you want.
1. WIIFM: What's In It For Me
WIIFM is a well-known, versatile principle for sales and marketing. But Michelle elaborates on the concept, stating that you need a combination of "inquiry" and "advocacy" in order for WIIFM to work. First, seek to understand your audience through inquiry, asking questions that helps you learn their fears, dreams, and desires. Michelle explains that upon the foundation of inquiry, you can then advocate based on this intel, which equips you with influence.
2. Relationships: Connect Like A Connector
Self-proclaimed as Michelle's favorite element of connecting and influence, she then dives into the seven mindsets you need to apply to your relationships. They are:
- Open & Accepting
- Abundant Thinking
- Generous Spirit
- Trust
- Have a Clear Vision
- Social and Curious
- Conscientious
She clarifies that they are not linear but rather overlapping and reliant on one another. These seven mindsets of a connector is the primary focus of The Connector's Advantage, but her overview provides a great surface-level introduction.
3. Asking: Ask the Right Way
At the start, Michelle notes that this might be the most surprising, underrated, and even overlooked tactic to get what you want. But it's just as crucial as the previous two. As she illustrates in her presentation, there are distinct ways to ask for something without putting a relationship at risk. One example is "the opt-out ask," in which you include a clear reason to say no directly in the ask. That way the recipient of the ask does not feel ashamed of their "no" but also will more than likely stay connected despite the rejection.
For the full AuthorConnect Chat, check out the video below. You can order The Connector's Advantage in bulk today for your team, business, or organization.
This post was written by Myrna Alcantar, the Marketing Intern at BookPal. She is currently reading Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom.