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AuthorConnect Chat: Allison Shapira on Public Speaking

Posted by Shelly Ye on Sep 30, 2019

AuthorConnect Chat: Allison Shapira on Public Speaking

Allison Shapira shares tips and tricks on how to speak with impact and become a confident public speaker

Opera singer turned public speaker Allison Shapira credits much of her confidence in public speaking to her past. The training she received as a singer helped her become the confident speaker she is now. She uses her opera techniques along with her own methodology to help others become confident public speakers too. From the fundamentals like writing your speech to the presentation of your speech, Speak With Impact covers it all.

Speaking with Impact—How?Speak With Impact

Allison understands that a lot of her clients are busy professionals. They don't necessarily have the time to spend hours on a book. That's why she wrote her own book to give her clients a quick read. To her, public speaking is defined as any time someone speaks to one person or more with a goal in mind. This translates to meetings, conference calls, pitches, and speeches. You can pinpoint what you need for each situation in her book easily.

In addition to that, Speak With Impact also encourages you to determine your reason for speaking. Knowing why you are speaking helps you sound more authentic and personal—traits that every public speaker should showcase.

Quick Tips and Tricks

Nervous? It's a sign that you care about what you're about to say and do. However, you can turn that nervousness into excitement! Both these emotions give you an adrenaline rush, and changing your attitude can help you speak more confidently. Excitement makes you sound more enthusiastic, whereas nervousness will make you rush through your speech.

Talking too fast? Speak to one person at a time rather than scanning the audience. Making eye contact with one person and expressing full thoughts before moving on to the next will help calm you down. It engages your audience and allows them to ask questions.

3 Questions To Ask Before Speaking

Before writing or presenting your speech, ask yourself these three questions:

1. Who is your audience? Who are you speaking to? Do they understand your language? By language, we mean the technical terms of your industry. Put yourself in your audience's shoes before committing to a specific language.

2. What is your goal? Everything you say or ask can influence your audience's behavior and mindset. Start with the conclusion and then unpack the details as you progress.

3. Why do you care? Build your confidence from the inside out. External factors don't matter in this case, knowing why you care will help you carry yourself with confidence when you walk into a room.

Allison Shapira's expertise in public speaking will surely help you gain a new perspective on this subject. Whether you are a professional looking to advance your career or a student preparing for an important presentation, Speak With Impact is a quick read that can help you build the skills necessary to be a strong public speaker.

For the full AuthorConnect Chat, check out the video below. Purchase copies of Speak With Impact for your team to gain the skills and confidence necessary to conquer public speaking.

This post was written by Shelly Ye, the Marketing Intern at BookPal.  She is currently reading The Handmaid's Tale (Graphic Novel) by Margaret Atwood and Renee Nault.