BookPal Promotions is a special division of BookPal designed to further connect readers with the books and authors they love. The BookPal Promotions site offers a one-stop checkout for books bundled with live signings, online conferences, and other events beyond the group sale itself. With over 15 years of experience and millions of books sold, we understand the industry better than anyone. And with all individual sales being reported to the bureaus, we can ensure that these promotions count.
Let's Promote Your Book
Below are a few of the promotions that BookPal supports. Contact us and we’ll work directly with you to create a solution that’s perfect for your goals.
Signed Copies
BookPal can coordinate a virtual or live signing event and easily ship these copies to individual purchasers or group buyers. See more on BookPal live signings here.
Live Social Media Events
Hosting an event via Instagram Live to market your new book? BookPal is here to help get that book into your viewers hands.
Book and Product Bundles
If you want to bundle your book with a small item, gift, or event ticket purchase our BookPal Promotions site can handle it!