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The Call of the Wild [Paperback]

SKU: 9781503302945
Supplier: Ingram
Author: Jack London
Format: Paperback
Pages: 68
Publication Date: 11/29/2014
Language: English
Publisher: BookPal
Product Name: The Call of the Wild [Paperback]
ISBN: 1503302946
SKU: 9781503302945
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The Call of the Wild [Paperback]

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The Call of the Wild is a novel by Jack London published in 1903. The story is set in the Yukon during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush-a period when strong sled dogs were in high demand. The novel's central character is a dog named Buck, a domesticated dog living at a ranch in the Santa Clara valley of California as the story opens. Stolen from his home and sold into the brutal existence of an Alaskan sled dog, he reverts to atavistic traits. Buck is forced to adjust to, and survive, cruel treatments and fight to dominate other dogs in a harsh climate. Eventually he sheds the veneer of civilization, relying on primordial instincts and lessons he learns, to emerge as a leader in the wild.London lived for most of a year in the Yukon collecting material for the book. The story was serialized in the Saturday Evening Post in the summer of 1903; a month later it was released in book form. The novel's great popularity and success made a reputation for London. Much of its appeal derives from the simplicity with which London presents the themes in an almost mythical form. As early as 1908 the story was adapted to film and it has since seen several more cinematic adaptations.

The book, The Call of the Wild [Bulk, Wholesale, Quantity] ISBN# 9781503302945 in Paperback by Jack London may be ordered in bulk quantities. Minimum starts at 25 copies. Availability based on publisher status and quantity being ordered.

Product details

Author: Jack London
Format: Paperback
Pages: 68
Publication Date: 11/29/2014
Language: English
Publisher: BookPal
Product Name: The Call of the Wild [Paperback]
ISBN: 9781503302945
Author: Jack London
Format: Paperback
Pages: 68
Publication Date: 11/29/2014
Language: English
Publisher: BookPal
Product Name: The Call of the Wild [Paperback]
ISBN: 1503302946

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About the Author: Jack London

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