Posted by Elizabeth Lee on May 30, 2015
10 Reasons Why Elementary School Teachers Are Secretly Artists
Posters and paintings and crafts, oh my!
Teachers are basically superheroes. They put hard work and effort into making a difference in every student's life. It's no secret that elementary school teachers are compassionate, kind, and compelling but did you know they are also artists? Here are 10 reasons why:
1. They've mastered the art of perfect penmanship.
Admit that you always wondered how teachers wrote so straight on the whiteboard!
2. They create beautiful bulletin boards.
It was always a proud moment when the teacher displayed your art project on the bulletin board.
3. The classroom is always decorated with fun themes.
Who doesn't remember walking into a newly decorated classroom in awe wondering how the teacher did all that work overnight?
4. They always have their doors decorated and ready for Back-to-School Night.
Reminisce the days of running down the hall to your classroom door and pointing at your name to show your parents that this is your class.
5. They find the most innovative ways to use paper plates for arts and crafts.
Who knew paper plates weren't just meant for eating off of?
6. They take extra time after school to label and organize all the school supplies.
We should be eternally grateful that the box of erasers was always easy to find.
7. They make they cutest end-of-the-school-year gifts for their students.
Teachers always believe the best in you!
8. They create beautiful and fun activities that make learning exciting.
Because who doesn't enjoy a game while practicing their literacy skills?
9. They invent their own creative activities for recess and break time.
Homemade games and activities save teachers money and keep students entertained!
10. They appreciate their students art more than anything else.
The most talented artists recognize the artists in all of us!
For ideas on projects, decorations, and crafts for elementary school teachers, follow our Elementary School Classroom Pinterest Board!
This post was written by Linda Cheung, a social media intern at BookPal. She is currently reading Making Habits, Breaking Habits by Jeremy Dean, Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, Wonder by R.J. Palacio and Love, Lucy by April Linder.