Posted by Tony DiCostanzo on Apr 05, 2013
Becoming a Green Guru is Easier than You Might Think!
While roughly 80% of Americans are behind the “green” agenda going on in government most people are doing little more than basic recycling. You can do so much more! It's Easy Being Green: A Handbook for Earth-Friendly Living (Paperback) will make it easier with dozens of tips and tricks to get down to earth and eco-friendly at home, at work or while out and about.
Author Crissy Trask looks to make it easy to be an environmentalist no matter how busy your lifestyle is. Welcome to your day to day guide to eco-friendly living. This book is chocked full of practical suggestions that anyone can put into action right now!
It's Easy Being Green is a handy tool to help you make better choices for the environment. This is what the busy person needs to start making changes today. Get informative, comprehensive and practical information for adopting greener buying habits and identifying earth-friendly products; shopping for green products online; participating in online activism; and learning from over 250 eco-tips for cultivating a sustainable environment.
Take the difficulty and guesswork out of greener living by learning the following:
- Install rain gutters and rain barrels to collect rainwater from your roof to use in the garden.
- Shift appliance use to off-peak hours. Some utility companies offer off-peak rates!
- Make your own household cleaners instead of relying on toxic commercial products.
- Submerge a plastic bottle in your toilet tank to save one quart of water per flush and thousands of gallons a year.
This book concurrently presents a plan, tips and an Internet resources list that you can use to follow-through on good intentions. An extensive product labels list is also provided to help interpret how some foods are produced. If you haven't invested in substantially greener behaviors, consumerism and politics because you didn't know how or thought it was difficult, help is here: It's Easy Being Green is a handbook for all those who aspire do more to protect the environment but want it to be simpler.
You can make a difference!