Posted by Michelle Drucker on Jul 11, 2013
David Meerman Scott Teaches Us the "New Rules of Marketing and PR"
Last night we had the pleasure of attending an event hosted by Linked Orange County, featuring bestselling author and marketing strategist David Meerman Scott. Bryan Elliot, the founder of Linked OC, introduced David as a "game changer" in today's world of business. According to David's philosophy, the key to marketing is to focus on the customer, not the product. "On the web you are what you publish," said David as he told the audience several marketing stories of failure and success. He also introduced the powerful strategy he calls "news jacking", when you tie your story to breaking news happening right now. David has an excellent ability to paint a picture of the message he is trying to convey through descriptive examples and analogies.
We left the event full of new ideas for our BookPal and ready to brainstorm new marketing strategies. To learn more, read David's latest book New Rules ofMarketing and PR and stay tuned for the release of his new book in 2014.
We would like to extend our thanks to Linked Orange County for the invitation. Linked Orange County is a organization that connects people in the business community in Orange County. They are set to launch their new magazine in September.