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A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier (Hardcover)

SKU: 9780374105235
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publisher: Farrar Straus & Giroux Inc"
Product Name: A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier
Author: Ishmael Beah
Language: English
Format: Hardcover
Publication Date: 2/13/2007 0:00
ISBN: 0374105235
Pages: 229
SKU: 9780374105235
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      My new friends have begun to suspect I haven't told them the full story of my life. "Why did you leave Sierra Leone?" "Because there is a war." "You mean, you saw people running around with guns and shooting each other?" "Yes, all the time." "Cool." I smile a little. "You should tell us about it sometime." "Yes, sometime." This is how wars are fought now: by children, hopped-up on drugs and wielding AK-47s. Children have become soldiers of choice. In the more than fifty conflicts going on worldwide, it is estimated that there are some 300,000 child soldiers. Ishmael Beah used to be one of them. What is war like through the eyes of a child soldier? How does one become a killer? How does one stop? Child soldiers have been profiled by journalists, and novelists have struggled to imagine their lives. But until now, there has not been a first-person account from someone who came through this hell and survived. In A Long Way Gone, Beah, now twenty-five years old, tells a riveting story: how at the age of twelve, he fled attacking rebels and wandered a land rendered unrecognizable by violence. By thirteen, he'd been picked up by the government army, and Beah, at heart a gentle boy, found that he was capable of truly terrible acts. This is a rare and mesmerizing account, told with real literary force and heartbreaking honesty.

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      Product details

      shipping-info: This title requires additional processing time
      publisher: Farrar Straus & Giroux Inc"
      Product Name: A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier
      Author: Ishmael Beah
      Language: English
      Format: Hardcover
      Publication Date: 2/13/2007 0:00
      ISBN: 9780374105235
      Pages: 229
      shipping-info: This title requires additional processing time
      publisher: Farrar Straus & Giroux Inc"
      Product Name: A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier
      Author: Ishmael Beah
      Language: English
      Format: Hardcover
      Publication Date: 2/13/2007 0:00
      ISBN: 0374105235
      Pages: 229

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      About the Author: Ishmael Beah

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