Posted by Shelly Leung on Apr 24, 2017
How "Hacking Growth" Can Help Elevate Your Business
Has your business hit a plateau?
It's not uncommon for even the most successful companies to hit a plateau after several years of steady growth. That's one of the reasons why Sean Ellis, the founder of, has teamed up with Inman's COO, Morgan Brown, to write Hacking Growth — a revolutionary look into how present-day companies are able to overcome this plateau and achieve sustainable growth. "We've tried to create a true playbook for growth that you and your team can implement no matter your business type or size," says Morgan Brown.
How can Hacking Growth help your business?
Simply put, growth hacking is the process of rapid experimentation through inter-departmental communication to identify the most effective, efficient ways to grow a business. It helps a team learn faster, take advantage of emerging technology, and survive disruption.
Hacking Growth is all about how to apply a high-tempo growth hacking process to your business — a complete manual for teaching your company to experiment, learn, and grow no matter what industry. It's the only book that shows how even companies that weren't "sure bets" could become the fastest growing companies in their industries.
Ellis and Brown emphasize the importance of "identifying new channels and taking advantage before they are saturated."
Traditional marketers prefer traditional "tried and true" approaches, which have lost their effectiveness over time. For example, a common traditional method is to align your company with consumer preferences. However, this has become less effective in today's day and age, when consumer preferences are constantly changing and the consumer is quickly evolving. The changing and shifting of culture and technology is a big problem that most traditional models and methods just can't keep up with.
Growth hacking focuses on sustainability. C-suite executives and company founders should build a "top-down growth-centric organization." The key to creating a growth team is to remove silos that are segregating inter-departmental cooperation.
Will Hacking Growth give you a magical know-how on creating explosive growth?
No. One of the most prevalent myths of growth hacking is the thought that all you need is one special hack that will sky-rocket growth. Continued success is not contingent on a "silver bullet." Ellis stresses that most growth is due to the "accumulation of small wins."
How will Hacking Growth surprise you?
A large number of eyeballs on your site doesn't mean anything if they aren't converting. There's no other book out there willing to tell you to move away from these numbers, to move away from the one-stop-shot that is Google Analytics. Instead, Brown and Ellis encourage you to find numbers meaningful to your own goals.
In her review of the book, Annabell Satterfield, the former senior product manager for growth at BitTorrent, stipulates that "Hacking Growth is the definitive guide to building authentic, sustainable, compounding growth for your company." Thanks to Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown, explosive growth and continued success is not an elusive unicorn only the lucky few have access to.
Interested in learning more about how growth hacking can help your business?
This post was written by Shelly Leung, the marketing associate at BookPal. She is currently reading Hacking Growth by Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown.