Featuring the most popular books among BookPal's customers for April We love discovering what books rise to the top of our bestseller list each month—it's fascinating to see what others find impactf ...
BookPal's Bestseller List: The Best Books of Q3 2021 (Post)Featuring 30 top books trending with BookPal customers. Need inspiration for your TBR list? Below you'll find the top selling books among BookPal customers from July to September, with the top te ...
BookPal's Bestseller List: The Best Books of Q2 2021 (Post)Featuring 30 top books of 2021. Our bestseller list is getting a makeover! We're now featuring the top selling books among BookPal customers once a quarter, with the top ten books in the ...
2020 Father's Day Gift Guide (Post)12 Books to Celebrate, Inspire, Educate, and Delight the Dads in Your Life Father's Day is not only a day to celebrate the dads in our lives, but also a time to recognize what's important to them. W ...
10 Business Books by Star Wars Personas (Post)Playing matchmaker to Star Wars characters and business books. The staff at BookPal are no strangers to the multiple literary and cinematic fandoms. Last year, we separated business books into&nb ...